I can't believe I haven't taken a photo of the amazing 'orange' shed! Foul colour, but I have been assured it will mellow! Anyway that arrived Wednesday and went up the same day. Thursday absolutely heaved it down, but W (builder) turned up with worker, in waterproofs and proceeded to get the now very sodden and heavy old shed up! It was cold too so I kept them well supplied with hot drinks!
Friday, glorious so he finished off, putting windows in new shed, roofing felt, covering old shed with tarpaulin, as this needs a thicker roof and putting scalping's down for pathways. Then tidied up across all the neighbours gardens secured temporary fences and left for his well deserved holiday.
Saturday hubby and I cleared under the gazebo, shelved and got everything into the new shed.
Today I have gone through all the boxes again and ruthlessly thrown stuff away, and finished off. The boxes in the middle with the bags on top are empty. I still have a metal bed frame and 2 bikes and a tumble dryer to fit in?????
Whilst I was working Darcy made himself comfortable close by!