Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Chelsea 2009

Sorry about the long break, it has been pretty hectic here and to be honest I can't wait for it to return to normal!!!!
I had a fabulous time at Chelsea, an experience to say the least. My thoughts on it:- I went on a public day as I am not a member of the RHS, alot of people where there to be 'seen' and had no interest in gardening. You get a better view of the gardens on the BBC. I had not expected to like the pavillion but in fact it was my favourite!
Some pics you might like to see.

so what did I get from it, inspiration and bucket loads of it too! So much so K and I are going to Gardeners World Live next week! I think my neighbours think I brow beat K into helping me in the garden, but she loves it!

I will get round to visit you all soon. Take care.


  1. WOW- I was waiting for your photo's :o)

    Catch up with you real soon xx

  2. Aw, shucks! There was me worrying about you. I think you'd make a brilliant gardening reporter for your local radio station or horticulture photojournalist...

  3. Great photo's Libby. Hope your back was ok whilst you were there.
    I've got my tickets for GW Live too. I'm looking forward to it.

  4. Glad you had such a great time and thanks for sharing the photos with us.

    Enjoy your GW day next week.

  5. I enjoyed Chelsea too - to be honest even on member's days you get people who can barely recognise a daffodil :-)

  6. Hi Libby...glad you enjoyed Chelsea......I watched it on the TV. They say because of funding it wasn't as good as other years but I did not notice much difference.....

    Have a great weekend.....

  7. I knew you would have a super time at the flower show! Unfortunately I can't view your pics, I have to download something that's missing.... have to get my son to look at the computer.


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