So today we went out to do some shopping and came back with a lovely red rug! Not your usual buy I know but I used to have some red walls and I have recently painted over them as they where annoying me, but we lacked colour in the lounge and I'm a colourful sort of gal! So a rug was needed.
Then we decided as this could be the last decent day for awhile, that we really had to clean out the pond! Neither of us could remember when we last did it but suspect it was probably about 5 years ago.
So we bailed out into water butts and containers most of the pond water, carefully putting the fish into large buckets.
We then attempted to lift out the water lily and struggled badly as it had grown into all the pots and had created a mat of roots about 2-3 inches deep! All of the containers in the next pics where joined together!
We cleverly used two waterbutts, so having bailed some of the water out we where able to lift them to the side of the pond and turn on the taps, which ment all the sludgy stuff was left at the bottom of the water butt.
Anyway as you can see from the pics we managed in the end, and all the sludge and slime was put on the flower beds!
We where then able to do a census of the fish,apologies for the photos the fish where flapping!
1 Large Green Tench. We originally had 2 large ones.
1 Small Green tench.
1 Orfe, which is now getting a bit big for the pond, the net measures about 20 inches so that will give you an idea how big he is!
We have always had a fairly healthy pond and from the beginning have always had baby fish
this is them.
and this chap or chap-ess was not bought by us so must be a home bred and grown!
1 shubunkin, we used to have 3.
1 comet
So a total of 6 large fish and 12 babies. Disappointingly we lost alot during last winter as we used to have 19 very decent sized fish!!