I am very sorry I have not been round to visit your blogs, K is home from University and this could very well be the last summer break we spend together, as next year she may have a job! As you know I spend alot of time alone, so am grabbing the opportunity to spend special time with my girls with both hands.
Anyway, I still manage time in the garden! I am posting small pics so it loads a bit quicker for you all!
My neighbours honeysuckle and rose is magnificent this year and the scent is divine!

My Cordyline Flower is becoming quite spectacular

and the bees, love it..

The large banana I lost last winter has sent out 13 pups, THIRTEEN!!!

The veg garden is desperate for water, the rain seems to have avoided us totally!

This is the salad section which is usually in full growth by now and as you can see we have very little!!!

The peas and sweetcorn are growing very slowly!

But whats happened to the French Beans I do not know, and only a few came up this year!!

My freebie strawberries have faded away and disappointingly I appear to have only 3 left!!

The pond as always is a favourite place of mine to sit!

The greenhouse and in fact the garden too is smothered in greenfly, where are all the ladybirds? I am definately going to have to get something for the greenhouse otherwise I will have no tomatoes, peppers, chillies or aubergines! Any ideas folks?

and now for something special... roses. They don't grow to well in my garden usually but this year they seem really pretty..
Queen Elizabeth, I had one of these growing under my bedroom window as a child.

This is one hubby picked up from a plant sale

and this is from a cutting my sister gave me of a rose my dad gave her!!

see what I mean about the greenfly!!!
and for your ease and speed I have enabled 'Reactions' so you can click and be off!!! lol! Let me know if you want some different reactions in there!