Saturday, 24 June 2017

Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice was just 3 days ago, on one of the hottest day June days for 40 years!  I have been fortunate to have avoided 3 days of intense heat as I had to travel up to Scotland for a family funeral. A sad event on one hand, but a lovely time on another as I got to meet my 9 cousins again.

In the garden all is good, the Phormium has hit new heights

I now have 9 spears, peculiar looking, very architectural.

Meanwhile the rest of the garden is very slow moving!

Lots of Daylillies to come

one piercing the leaf of the tomentosa

I don't remember a year when the ensete where this bad, so, so slow, maybe I need some new ones?

This just looks a mess

 I really need to make up my mind as what I want especially in the last 2 photos.

The lower part of the garden is totally defeating me, I have no idea what to do. A clematis climbing over a very wobbly archway.

Then the mess with a field for a lawn! Well actually its a field with suckers from silver birch and plum trees that get worse each year.

If you dig down the roots that run across the garden are thicker than your finger. I think ideally I eed one of those mini diggers in, dig the whole lot out, put a root barrier along the fence line to the left and start again.

That isn't going to happen as I have no rear access, so unless you can get one that can be driven through the lounge, dining room and kitchen this is all going to have to be done by hand and with muscle, which I don't have!!

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