and every year without fail I always buy more! Some because I want to have a go at them, others because I need them, obviously,
I need to get some Climbing French Beans, Trail of Tears, as I failed miserably at seed collection last year.
I also want to get some more of the Heritage (I think ) peas that climb to 6ft. Being a small garden I must grow upwards.
Gem Squash is a definate must, and sweetcorn. I fancy having a go at some butternut Squashes or 'cobnut' is the make I think that grows well here.
I have some over wintering onions in and will probably get some more in a bit later as you can never have enough onions.
The potatoes are chitting, I think I have told you before that my neigbour grows hers in tyres, so if I can find some space for a stack I may give it a go.
The beds need alot of work as they where badly neglected at the end of the growing season.
In fact as you can see from this pic I have alot of work ahead of me, the fence needs painting, I'm not sure what we are to do when it totally collapses as it is not our fence. There is no grass left just moss and weeds. If I wrote on a list absolutely eveything that needs doing I would probably never set foot outside ever again.
But then you never know we may have a good summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's always lots to do in the garden at this time of year. I think the start of the gardening year is always exciting. I'll be starting my first seeds off today.