Saturday, 9 June 2018

Patience not me!

I am not a patient gardener, I think I am but I'm not.  How does this affect the garden well probably more than I think.

When I sew seeds or take cuttings, I am forever checking for root growth, thats why when plants/seeds do grow here they are very tough, becuase they have probably been popped out of there pots on numerous occasions.

The Hiniba are a prime example and could explain why only a few have grown instead of lots, serves me right really!

So can I really expect the tree ferns to be sending out new croziers bearing in mind I only blogged about it 5 days ago, I think not! I wonder if it is easy to learn patience (not the card game) I really ought to try harder.

I also change my mind a lot. A grand example here is my arid bed, July last year I plant two new cactus  Pachycereus pringlei and Trichocereus macrogonus, so they have a) survived the winter

b) look relatively happy.

So what do I do? Dig one up! to move it to make space for a new Agave!

it maybe small but I have high hopes,

this is what it 'could' be like. This is grown in the UK and more information about this Agave can be found here

Obviously if it gets this big, I will have to move more than one cactus, lol!

Meanwhile around the rest of the garden, plants I presumed where dead have come to life Colocasia Pink China, I had assumed had been frozen and rotted has poked through

As have 2 other Colocasia

another Pink China

In some way you hope the ones in the ground will survive, but what has totally stunned me is this

a pot on my patio that has had no winter protection whatsoever, was probably frozen through and yet look whats popped up, another Colocasia.
So how does a tiny little plant like this survive when a huge tree fern, that was protected doesn't?

That's gardening for you!

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