So here we are, nearly the middle of July and the weather is miserable. We have had rain but not the sort that actually waters the ground. I didn't realise how dry the ground was until I planted some plants so I spent the rest of yesterday watering!!!
Today of course, it really rained!!!! So as you can see the garden is growing well.
I am being very good on the feeding front, this year. the tree spinach on the right of the stripy leafed banana is doing well, and yes you can eat it lol!
Its all coming along well, but we could do with some more 'heat'!!!
My Bromeliards seem to be doing well, I am loving the colours of them up the trunk.
My Brahea Armata, is doing so well, two new spears coming up. I think I have been scared to over water it, but it seems to be enjoying the humidity!
The new jungle bed is romping away,
The marks I made to see if it was growing and as you can see, it most definitely is. This was always a very 'dry' bed so I must remember to water, water, water!
The Arid bed is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
the next two photos where last year just after it was planted...
you can see just how much everything has grown
The Dasylirion Serratifolium is growing amazingly.
I hadn't realised just how much they have grown. I am just loving this.
the centre of this Yucca Rostrata is solid with fronds or whatever they are called!!
A great success, smiling now.
My Zebra Grass has excelled this year, I had planned to dig this bed out and plant my new Gunnera here, but I have changed my mind (again) lol!!
I have decided to plant it here, next to the brand new trellis, my neighbour built and attached it to MY side of the fence, then planted a Montana Clematis to grow up it and assured me it wouldn't encroach as she would keep it trimmed back!!!!! Not sure how she intends to do that my side!!!
It gets very damp here and every year I lose the grass due to the damp, so I will move some of the ferns, arum lily, box and other bits and plant and feed like crazy!!!
So all in all the garden is looking great..................................
apart from............................................
here, I am at the end of my tether with this bed, which runs down the right hand side of the garden. next to a 6ft fence, which has an enormous beech hedge the other side, which tops the fence by 2 feet, and whilst it does that it grows over into my garden taking at least 2+ft of light from a garden that is only 13ft wide!!!!
I have added so many plants this year and it looks a flippin mess.
Serious thoughts as to what to do. I may dig the whole lot out, well, I won't, I may get 'the gardener again and build another raised bed and fill it with more arids unless you can come up with a better idea?
Your garden is looking fab! The last area is just a minor glitch which I'm sure you'll come up with a nice solution for. Also liking those bromeliads on the trachy trunk!