Patio Clutter
Since hubby has started working for himself and bearing in mind we only live in a terraced cottage, the clutter, 'his clutter has been getting worse and worse. He is a 'hoarder' to say the least, even down to bits of paper!
Coal now delivered, all bunkers full plus pre packs and the wood moved from the bottom of the garden!
To give an example in our shed in a trunk are two big boxes of papers which have been there untouched and unopened for years!! I have a rule if it has not been used in 18 months - 2 years it goes! Oh no. not my husband, he will go through every paper in that trunk with a fine tooth comb but that is only 'when he has the time'!!!
Ferns dug up and potted up to be replanted on the North side of the office when finished.
So he took over my daughters bedroom to use as an office, that is now so full he has to work in the dining room and I will not let him take that over, its bad enough trying to get to bed, he had, at last count 25 books beside his side of the bed and he assures me he was reading the lot!!!!!!
One Water Butt resited and refilled
So we have decided, well I decided and persuaded him that our super duper shed bought 9 years ago was worth converting into an office and after talking to various builders we can put proper foundations down, move shed/office, move greenhouse and put up new smaller shed, supply electrics, into all 3, insulate and put new double glazed windows and doors into Shed/office, lay proper pathing down, resite waterbutts for a little bit more that the cost of buying a purpose built office and siting it at the bottom of our garden.
Boxes, canes etc squeezed in, in every available space, even on the veg garden!
So in 2 weeks time, the work begins.
All tomatoes
We have no rear access at the bottom of the garden, in fact the only access we have for the whole garden is 'coal' access.
Cucumber and
Our access was sold just as we moved in (unbeknown to us) when the large part of the garden at the bottom was sold to the neighbour, (also unbeknown to us) they forgot to keep the access. So we have asked and very kindly been allowed to demolish fences, cross boundaries and gain access across 2 neighbours gardens. I have great neighbours, quirky, but great!!
Pepper plants will have to go
So we have been clearing all 'My' garden clutter, well you know what us gardeners are like, you never know when it will be needed. Although I do admit to not realising just how many plant pots I had!!
Recently acquired Ensete Hiniba, Black stemmed Alocasia Mac, Colocasia Gailigonensis and Pink China
These water butts have now been emptied and all rubbish either thrown or Recycled using 'FreeCycle' I highly recommend them.
Majority of the slabs will be reused. The door of the small shed can just be seen on the right and is going!
Believe it or not we have gone through every box, tub and pot in this shed and everything in here we are keeping and will be stored, if not electrical under a gazebo by the pond, for the duration of the build or until the newer shed is erected!
all the other usable bits have as I said before gone to Freecycle the rest is off to the tip!
This hedge is going
The patio the other side of the pond will be storage area.
So next weekend we shall move everything remaining into the house or onto the patio. The greenhouse will be emptied, the small shed will hopefully have been disassembled by the neighbour who wishes to have it.
The large shed emptied and un-shelved (is there such a word), I really must order the new replacement shed too!! All ready for work to commence on the 1st August 2011 our 24th Wedding Anniversary!!