Thursday, 14 April 2016

Gardening and Ground Elder

So the sun has been shining and I have been out in the garden (of course). I have been planting, shrubs and bulbs in the flower garden. That's this part of the garden.

I have also managed to get some more sleepers which will replace the smaller bits of wood which edge the beds currently.

lots more to go in, quite excited as I'm hoping it will look super.

I now have ground elder!!!! Lived here for 28 years never had it before. When my neighbour got her fence replaced it must have set something off. I've been told the best way to get rid of it is to dig out all the plants and pick out the roots!!

To the right of the old watering can is a Sambuca Nigra, which is huge and magnificent in the summer. Mind you looking at this photo from last year I can see ground elder there!!!

We also have little visitors, its most odd, there is a track to the hole in the middle of the lawn

and a pile of soil has appeared from nowhere. I think the hole is to small for rats, but that pile of soil is too big for mice, not looking forward to digging this out!!!

I love this hellabore, it flowers for ages and ages, and ages.

and as to this lawn, well I have no words, I have to replace this every year! Maybe I will paint it green!

Crammed Greenhouse.

and of course would I be in the garden and not think of some changes!! I had mentioned that we wanted a pergola, but after getting some quotes, they are quite expensive, so has been put on hold till after our daughters wedding.
                  we can always do something that just requires muscle......   so the old gunnera is not doing as well as it used to, so I think it will come out, as you can see the new pump is quite an eyesore.

 So, I thought I might swop the pump with the waterfall and plant my new Gunnera where the old water fall used to be, I think it will have more room and will hide the pump well.

plus excitement, I was told today that 15 of the old fence panels will be being changed, so will look like a new garden.

Of course Darcy is never far away.

More next time xxx

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