This spikey leaved plant which I have totally forgotten the name of is huge, the one planted in a pot is far smaller.
It is covered in spikes from the trunk
to its leaves....
My new dahlia has excelled its self
the heads are about 6-8 inches across
and there have been loads.
All the dahlias I overwintered have not done so well, but the 3 new ones have done well this red/yellow one with the tree dandelion next to it,
and another new one the flowers change colour as they age.
Amaranthus Pointy finger, looks exactly like a pointy finger, makes me smile every time I walk past it.
some look better than others but you still get the idea.
Canna Cleopatra has not only got stunning foliage
but stunning flowers as well, I cannot wait for this clump to get bigger, I think its my favourite canna.
Another Canna easily over 8ft beautiful leaves and yes it will flower if the autumn is mild.
Canna Durban looking good against Ricinus Carmencita Red.
Landscape pic of this bed.
Stumpy, well that is what I have called this Maureli against the back drop of the T-Rex it looks quite good but should be 6ft plus, maybe I need more manure down here lol!!
Another landscape photo from the side bed. Butia with Ricinus communis zanzibarensis to the left and the Tree tomato to the right.
The Elephants ears, Colocasia Pink China have been amazing this ear and as far as I am concerned are the hardiest for me.
As a precaution I always dig a few up to over winter in the greenhouse. but the rest are left outside covered with extra soil or manure.
One of my baby Hiniba from last year.
At the back of the Hiniba is a new plant for me this year Manihot Grahamii, its the one with the very pretty leaves. I planted it here to give it protection from an expected hot summer which never happened, so I hope it has had the chance to get some good roots down to help it through the winter.
Now I am preparing for winter and have started to wrap up the greenhouse, more details in the next post.